From the The Jubilee Edition of the Cleveland Wächter und Anzeiger 1902, the list below shows the year of arrival in Cuyahoga County, followed by name, year of birth, place of birth, and occupation.
1851: Augspurger, Henry, born 1830 in Willsingen, Rhenish Palatinate, retired.
Auer, George, born 1826 in Hirschbach, Rhenish Province, carpet business.
Bohm, E. H., born 1837 in Alstedt, Saxony, justice of the peace.
Borger, Daniel, born 1838 in Weidenthal, Rhenish Palatinate, iron dealer.
Dreher, Anton, born 1834 in Illreichen, Bavaria, instrument maker.
Funk, Maria
Halle, Moses, born 1835 in Wilmer, Bavaria, merchant.
Jaster, Ch. L., born 1849 in Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg, merchant.
Keyerleber, Fred., born 1825 in Freudenthal, Württemberg, farmer.
Krause, Dr. Bernhard, born 1831 in Walkenried, Brunswick, physician.
Mürmann, C. A., born 1829 in Petershagen, Prussia, insurance agent.
Remelius, Daniel, born 1827 in Laumersheim, Rhenish Palatinate, furniture maker.
Schwan, H.C., born 1819 in Horneburg, Hanover, minister.
Siegrist, Jacob G., born 1846 in Alsenz, Rhenish Palatinate, recorder.
Uhl, C. F., born 1847 in Gaugrehweiler, Rhenish Palatinate, jeweler.
Uhl, Daniel, born 1841 in Gaugentweiler (sic), Rhenish Palatinate, oven manufacturer.
Wagner, Henry, born 1838 in Württemberg, inspector.
Witzel, Joh. Dorothea, born 1826 in Brunswick, Brunswick, private person.
Weintz, John, born 1826 in Germersheim, Hessia-Darmstadt, private person.
German “pioneers” in Cleveland 1851
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